feiz design studio
Based in Amsterdam, Feiz Design Studio was founded in 1998, by industrial designer Khodi Feiz and graphic designer Anneko Feiz - van Dorssen. They specialize in the fields of product design, furniture design, branding and strategic design. Their work has received numerous awards and has been featured in exhibitions and publications worldwide. The overriding inspirations can be summed up by: clarity, concept and context.
Clarity: objects which are stripped down to their bare essence, not to make them boring, but to bring out their main expressive quality. Too often ‘simple’ projects are dismissed as superficial and banal; it seems the more ‘complex’ or ‘advanced’ the better. But we propose the opposite: the simpler the project the more challenging and difficult it becomes; you don’t have the guise of complication to hide behind. Concept: it is the idea that gives meaning to an object; when a piece captures your imagination or makes you look twice. It is from new concepts that new typologies emerge. Context: to be inspired by the environment you are designing for is a very strong starting point. Often not thinking of the object but of the context that creates the object and answering its needs can lead to new and surprising results.
We believe that design is a generalist act. That is not to say that the designer is a jack of all trades and a master of none, but to be able to contribute creatively is a specialism in itself, whatever the realm; be it strategic, helping create future scenarios and propositions for culture and society; formal, designing relevant and beautiful products for our use; technical, helping industry innovate; communicative, making information and services understandable; or artistic, producing work which questions and inspires. These and many more elements constitute the world of design, and it has never been any different.
It is within this context that we would like to develop and work with industry to achieve quality, whatever form it may take. Because, to us, quality is the obligation, design the inspiration.
Khodi Feiz
Founder and Creative Director
Khodi (Khodayar) Feiz is an industrial designer who was born in Iran and grew up in the USA. A graduate of Syracuse University, he moved to the Netherlands in 1990 to work for Philips Design. In 1998, he founded Feiz Design Studio together with graphic designer Anneko Feiz-van Dorssen, where they specialize in the fields of product design, furniture design, branding and strategic design for companies such as Alessi, Artifort, Herman Miller, Logitech, Nokia, Offecct, and Samsung. In 2014, Feiz was appointed Art-Director for the world renowned furniture brand Artifort where he oversees all design and branding issues. Feiz's work has received numerous awards and has been featured in exhibitions and publications worldwide. The overriding inspirations for Feiz’s work can be summed up by: Clarity, concept and context.
“Every design is the end result of the designer's entire life: his or her successes and struggles, pleasures and pains. The final object is not just a chair or a sofa or a shelf, but a summary of the lifetime of preparation and experiences that led to the design. Rarely has this been more evident than in the case of Khodi Feiz, who was born in Iran, grew up in the US, and in 1990 moved to the Netherlands, where he still resides today. In 1998, he founded Feiz Design Studio together with graphic designer Anneko Feiz-van Dorssen. The atelier's furniture, products, and graphics mix equal measures of poetry and function - clean lines and simple expressions combined with layer upon layer of underlying meaning.” - Swedese, 2018
In conversation with Khodi Feiz by Love That Design: Click here
Anneko Feiz van Dorssen
Anneko Feiz - van Dorssen was born in The Netherlands in 1967. In 1990, she graduated from the Design Academy in Eindhoven in Graphic Design (Man and Information). During her studies, she also gained work experience at Rolex in Switzerland. In 1991 she joined Philips Design, where she worked until 1997 in the Visual Communications Group, on projects ranging from packaging and print to the Philips Annual Report. Besides running the graphic design projects of the studio, Anneko also is responsible for the studio management and actively participates in shaping the creative direction of the studio.
Jerry Thong
Studio Manager / Senior Industrial Designer A graduate of The Hague University in Industrial Product Design; Jerry completed his internship in 2007. After gaining work experience in Sydney, Australia, Jerry has been part of our team since 2010.
Ognjen Vukliš
Industrial Design Intern Ognjen (Oggi) is studying Industrial Product design at the Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences and is excited to bring his skills and enthusiasm to our studio.
Abstracta / Alessi / Artifort / Cappellini / Council / Decathlon / Denon / Electrolux / Emi Music / Felicerossi / Geiger / Gelderland / Giannini / Grolsch / Haier / Heineken / Herman Miller / Huawei / JDE / Kembo / Lego / Level Home / Loewe / Logitech / Lost Boys / Marantz / Nike / Nokia / Offecct / Phase / Philips / OPPO / PRESENT TIME / Samsung / Studio TK / Swedese
Awards and Exhibitions
Awards: StudioTK Libelle: Interior Design Best of Year 2022 / L’OR Barista Sublime: iF Award 2022, Red Dot Award 2022 / Level Touch: Gold IDEA 2021, Curators Choice IDEA 2021, iF Award 2021 / Level Bolt: Gold IDEA 2021, Red Dot Award 2021, iF Award 2021 / L’OR Barista: Red Dot Award 2021, iF Award 2021 / StudioTK Cesto: IDEA 2019 / Logitech K780: Best of the Best Red Dot Award 2017 / Logitech K380: Red Dot Award 2016 / Logitech K480: Red Dot Award 2015 / Huawei Mediapad M1: Red Dot Award 2014 / Offecct Moment: IDEA 2012 / Denon Cocoon: Red Dot Award 2012, IDEA 2012 / Geiger Deft: Good design 2012 / Giannina family: Red Dot Award 2010, IDEA 2010, ID Annual Design Review 2010 / Swinxs: Toy of the Year Award 2010, Game of the Year 2009, Accenture Innovation Award 2009 / Palma: ID Annual Design Review 2009 / Peel seating: ID Annual Design Review 2008 / Nokia md-6: ID Annual Design Review 2008, Red Dot Award 2008 / Nokia md-7: Red Dot Award 2008, IF Design Award 2008 / Grolsch beer glasses: Dutch Design Award 2006 / Lost Boys Program: Dutch Design Award 2003 / Alessi desk objects: Dutch Design Awards 2003 / Design Report, International Young Designers Award, 2000 Finalist / World Technology Award for Design, 1999-2000 Finalist /
Exhibitions: Salone del Mobile, Milano, 04.2019: Figura for Artifort, Amstelle Family for Swedese / Stockholm Furniture Fair, 02.2019: Amstelle Family for Swedese / Stockholm Furniture Fair, Stockholm, 02.2018: Pillo for Swedese / Salone del Mobile, Milano, 04.2017: Extens Cabinet 2.0, Beso Barstool, Balans wood and marble top, Niloo Leather / Salone del Mobile, Milano, 04.2016: Niloo, Bras High Back, Beso Lounge / Decode Design Festival, Monterrey, Mexico: Lecture and masterclass / Chicago Neocon 2015, Haute Living Event, Brothers by Design / Salone del Mobile, Milano, 04.2015: Beso, Bras and Balance for Artifort / Salone del Mobile, Milano, 04.2014: Bras for Artifort / EcoDesign 10, Helsinki, 09.2010: tak lamp / Design Act, Moscow, 09.2010: Clarity. Concept. Context. / NEOCON, Chicago, 06.2010: A-line and Deft for Geiger International / ICFF, New York, 05.2010: Luna for Phase / Nederlicht Exhibition, Gornichem, 12.2009 – 02.2010: Tak, Lightable and Noor / I.D. Annual Design Review Exhibition, New York, 07.2009: Palma for Offecct / MACEF Ambiente, Milano, 02.2009: giannina family for Giannini / Furniture Fair, Stockholm, 02.2009: Palma dining for Offecct / Via Milano Exhibition, Amsterdam, 09.2008: Palma for Offecct / New Dutch Design Exhibition, Moscow, 09.2008: Perf Family / Salone del Mobile, Milano, 04.2008: Khodi Feiz - Offecct, Artifort and Council / Binnen-Buiten Exhibition, Madrid, 03.2008: Perf Family / Furniture Fair, Stockholm, 02.2008: Palma for Offecct / IMM 2008, Cologne, 01.2008 : Gap chair for Artifort / Design Week, Tokyo, 10.2007: Perf chair / Superstore 03, Amsterdam, 07.2007: Perf Family / ICFF, New York, 05.2007: Peel and System 24 for Council / Salone del Mobile, Milano, 04.2007: Khodi Feiz - Light Green / Furniture Fair, Stockholm, 02.2006: K-Line coathanger for Offecct / Salone del Mobile, Milano, 04.2005: Artifort and Offecct / Nest, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, 02.2005: Noor Lamp / Salone del Mobile, Milano, 04.2004: Felicerossi / Inside Design, Bebob Gallery, Amsterdam, 10.2003 : Lightable / Vivid Gallery, Rotterdam, 09.2003: Solo Exhibition / Via Milano Exhibition, Amsterdam, 04.2003: Lost Boys Program for Kembo / Furniture Fair, Stockholm, 02.2002: Desk Objects for Alessi / Salone del Mobile, Milano, 04.2001: Noor Lamp for Cappellini / Salone del Mobile, Milano, 04.2001: Salone Satellite, Solo Exhibition / Ambiente, Frankfurt am Main, 02.2001: Desk Objects for Alessi / Salone del Mobile, Milano, 04.2000: Salone Satellite, Solo Exhibition / Ambiente, Frankfurt am Main, 02.2000: Salsa for Alessi /
Former Colleagues
Alex Pelletier, Alexander ‘Sander’ Fries, Andy Cheung, Antoine Beynel, Anita Schnitzer, Aurore Firtion, Bart van Poederooijen, Bas Magermans, Chris de Niet, Colin Giroth, Cyrus Feiz, Daniel Dhondt, Elwin van der Hoek, Esther Kolder, Fabian van den Brand, Florent Alexandre, Franziska Marxer, Frida Fuchs, Gabriele Godin, Gizem Koc, Gijs Leijdekkers, Guilhem Couderc, Hanane Nimoh, Helene Gosset, Jason Peterson, Jeroen van Leur, Jeske Spee, Johan van Hengel, Jorge Diego Etienne Ortega, Joost Polder, Jos van Roosmalen, Julian van Geijlswijk, Juliette Haegeman, Karin Pekelharing, Kevin Depape, Klaas de Jong, Liesbeth Stol, Lilian van Daal, Liselore Oudshoorn, Mara Groothedde, Marika Williams, Marion Lutigneaux, Mark Lammers, Mathieu Labbé, Maxence Hoet, Maxime Wicquart, Mina Karami, Mireille Meijs, Monique van Biljouw, Pascal Hensel, Quinten Lans, Remy Gadella, Renske Solksz, Rik Elmendorp, Rosalie Wiedeman, Roy van Hoevelaak, Sander Brouwer, Sandra Schachenmann, Sebastian Doermann, Sebastian Kraus, Sam van der Heijden, Sofia Ohlsson, Steven Nijenhuis, Tetsu Schokking, Thijmen Galekop, Thijs Smeets, Thom de Waardt, Tieneke Baan, Tijs Hensen, Tom Bril, Viola Puhalovic, Wouter Janssen